Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thankyou Suraya

Thankyou Suraya for letting me be apart of your new beginnings here in Mount Shasta.
Word of mouth referrals are by far the most powerful and rewarding!

For more pictures click on "See More" below :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Family hike into Moss Brae Falls May 14th of 2011

Despite the many many days of rain, our little family ventured out on May 14th 2011 for a little excursion/hike to Mossbrae and Hedge Creek Falls in Dunsmuir, Ca.  Took along a few friends and wished the whole time that Daddy could have been with us...  Also ventured a tiny bit farther north to show the kids the mineral spring and let them get a taste!  I hadnt been there since my Father took me as a child...  Enjoy the pics :)

Right half of the Falls...

Left half of the falls...

For more pictures click on "See More" below :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Abbie & Avry

One of those moments where I appreciated having my camera in the car...  Just a beautiful afternoon hanging out with friends and the creative bug came over me...  Friends of mines daughters Abbie & Avry were willing models.  My children I am sure were grateful to be left to play for once lol...  Thankyou girls for letting me photograph you! Hugs K

For more pictures click on "See More" below :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I love Horsey pics! Went to visit my friend Maya and took my camera along...

tags; living shasta portrait wedding senior family children event photography mount shasta redding northern california ashland medford oregon

Went to visit my friend Maya and took my camera along to create some images and capture lots of HD video in helping her to sell two of her horses...  Stoalie (aka Ripple Rap) and Daisy (aka Docs Partee Music).  They are both registered Quarter horses and have many qualities...  My daughter rode Stoalie for quite a few years when she was first learning to ride...  In fact shes front and center on his ad...  To see Stoalies Dream horse ad click here
To see Daisy's Dream horse ad click here

For more pictures click on "See More" below :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Google Alerts ~ keeping tabs of your "life" online and off!

Im sure you have heard of Google Alerts!  Well I am here to show you how they have helped me and could help you, no matter who you are, what business you run or what you do... :)  First of all a little explanation is in order.  Google Alerts are... well let me just quote from them :)

Monitor the Web for interesting new content

Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic.
Enter the topic you wish to monitor, then click preview to see the type of results you'll receive. Some handy uses of Google Alerts include:
  • monitoring a developing news story
  • keeping current on a competitor or industry
  • getting the latest on a celebrity or event
  • keeping tabs on your favorite sports teams

For example I received an alert about this linking service called "photo links" in the Mt. Shasta area because of Google Alerts. It was a new service other photographers were signing up for when I was notified. So of course I signed up too!
Check out the link below.  Make sure you scroll down past the sponsored links to the few that are listed for our area...

If you list some of your google alerts as Northern california photography, or Mount Shasta photography then not only when new linking or advertising services arise but when things happen in our area that are listed online, you will be notified.  I remember one time I received a google alert about a company that had listed me as a vendor.  So I clicked on the alert to go see there website and my information listed.  Well they had put a link to my website as a local photographer and when I clicked on the link it was broken "aka it didnt work" or take me to my website.  So I contacted this company and they were grateful to know so they could fix it.  Priceless!

My personal favorite is to put in your name and your childrens names to be "in the know".  So far the only time my childrens names have come up (because they are pretty young) is when we were in the Mt. Shasta Herald for the blog I wrote about the January 2010 epic snowstorms!  Here are a couple more examples alerts I got... 

This one actually just came the other day about that same snow storm...
Snowstorm coverage earns first place award
Mount Shasta Herald
The papers that were judged also featured contributions by community members including Jim Gilmore, Audra Gibson and Karrie Ann Snure...

This one came to notify me that my facebook page was now listed in Japan in Japanese lol.  When I first clicked on it, it was actually written in Japanese.  But now it shows up in English... they must have a filter set up to know that I am looking at it from the states...  
Google Web Alert for: living shasta photography

Living Shasta Photography | Facebook
Living Shasta Photographyの公式Facebookページへようこそ。「Living Shasta Photography」のオリジナルコンテンツを見たり、ファンと意見を交換したりできます。

Or this one when I donated a portrait gift certificate...

Google Web Alert for: living shasta photography

Benefit is for Domestic Violence Crisis Center - Mount Shasta, CA ...
This Saturday, October 10, the Wayside Grill in Mount Shasta is hosting a ... a photo session withLiving Shasta Photography, a deluxe auto detail from ...

There are hundreds of alerts that I have deleted over the years that have either mentioned my business name or directed me to something that had to do with the phrases I was watching.  Have fun with this!  And I hope it helps all of you as much as it has me. <3 K

Here is a link to "free" google alerts to get started

On another note... I would love to hear (in comments below) what you think about this "new" photo and technology tips section I have started on my blog.  So far this is the first :)  

View more of Living Shasta Photography portfolio here, or follow me on facebook here

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mike and Samantha engagement session...

Oh yes, I do believe I have one of the greatest jobs ever! It makes my heart so happy to tell a story of love through Photography... Last weekend I had the honor of photographing Mike and Sams engagement photos... Talk about a sweet couple. They smiled so easily and genuine. Thankyou Mike and Sam for the honor! ♥ K

For more pictures click on "See More" below :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

One of my dearest friends Monica and her three beautiful children...

I got to spend the day in nice waaaaaaaarm Redding this last weekend with one of my dearest friends Monica and her three beautiful children! Along with my kids too who are almost the same age, we had alot of fun scouting out many cool places... We put quite a few miles on the burb and turned up the music to sing our hearts out just like we used to. Only now we have five extra voices for our little group :) Its priceless to have friends that no matter how much time has passed you never feel youve ever been apart! Love you Moni. Happy Mothers Day and Birthday, your friend for life &amp;lt;3 K

For more pictures click on "See More" below :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Grossman Family

The Beautiful Family of Ben and Rachel Grossman...  There is 

Nothing better in my book then to be able to seize love and 

friendship in motion!  Congratulations you two &lt;3 K

For more pictures click on "See More" below :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


tags; living shasta portrait wedding senior family children event photography mount shasta redding northern california ashland medford oregon

What a fun day I had shooting Marrisa's senior portraits with her and her mom and grandma.  We were all over the place including a stop for lunch lol.  Marissa is absolutely gorgeous inside and out!  Its a good thing I give my clients all their images because choosing favorites from these is going to be quite the chore!!!  
For more pictures click on "Read More" below :)

For more pictures click on "See More" below :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Snapped off a couple of quickie shots (in the middle of the street) of one of our favorite families to visit while in Ashland...  Aunt Lynn, Uncle Keith and lets not forget cousin Amelia and Kendra Farber! Your next Aunt Linda and Alex :)  Despite the reasons we were visiting this weekend, one thing is for sure... I always leave their presence feeling inspired and energized!  That says alot. Until next time &lt;3 K 

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Welcome beautiful baby Lacy...  And congratulations Jesse and Shannyn Loucks!

To see more images click on "see more" below :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


tags; living shasta portrait wedding senior family children event photography mount shasta redding northern california ashland medford oregon

We managed to find green grass amidst this winter scene were in.  Thankyou Kyle and Deanna for letting me capture these images for you!  Congratulations on your graduation and good luck on your journey!  Sounds like youve got a great plan! 

For more pictures click on "See More" below :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011


This little boy is such a doll!  I had the honor of meeting his mama for extended family portraits this winter and last week we got together again to capture Noahs life before he gets mobile lol.  It was also an opportunity for me to capture some images for an article in our locally owned North State Parent magazine.  Here are my favorites!

To see more images click on "see more" below :)